Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday of the First Week of Advent

I can't believe I forgot to mention this last Sunday, but I just realized I did.  Last Sunday was the first mass I attended with the intention of becoming Catholic.  (Last year when I decided to become Catholic, the first mass I attended was the First Sunday of Advent).  I re-read last year's Year A readings and the responsorial Psalm...and even the prayers in my missal.  I could not believe how much I remembered, and the feelings came flooding back about how Biblical the mass was when I was actually paying attention.  Thanks be to God!


Sid said...


THS said...

So many people talk to me about how boring mass can be. I always tell them that they aren't paying attention to it. People have to listen to the readings closely, know what the Eucharist really means etc. I find Mass to be Exciting, nourishing, informative..i can go on.